Thursday, August 28, 2008

A rant.

My mom's been watching the Democratic National Convention the past few days while my dad has been screaming towards Obama. I think my dad is a racist though. He hates everything Obama says. Anyways, I WILL VOTE FOR OBAMA 200% in November. Nothing will make me vote for that fucking douche McCain. McCain will only fuck things up for America. Our economy is fucking up because of the Bush administration and voting for McCain will only make the fucking up go on longer. Yes, Obama WILL be raising taxes but that is the only way our economy will be balanced again. If presidents keep on procrastinating on paying back our debt then the US a couple of years from now will be so fucked up we're gonna be a third world country. McCain is also a fucking OLD douche, meaning that not only will he NOT be pulling troops out of Iraq. This also means that he'll be making wars with Russia AND Iran because he thinks we're #1 at fighting wars. Why the hell does he want to be making more and more enemies?

On top of that, because McCain is a fucking douche Republican, my friends like Jorge are getting fucked up the ass because even though they work the hardest they'll get the least rewards. People like McCain will deport him back to his country because they think it's fucking best.

On top of that, I'm not gay or anything but I've realized that all this shit about abortion and gay marriage is fucking trivial compared to shit like the economy, education, and foreign policy.

People who vote for McCain usually go, "I'm voting for McCain because he's against the gays and abortion!" These Christians don't know what they're fucking talking about until the economy goes up to shit and they'll say, "At least the gay guy across the street isn't married yet and the whore next door at least got that freak from her son raping her."

We need someone like Obama to bring in new blood and new people into the White House. If they fuck up, at least they tried to do something different.


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