Getting political
I really hate it when George Dubya Bush keeps on saying that the world is a better place with the capture of former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein. He still keeps on saying that he "intended" to build weapons of mass destruction. How the fuck did he know that Saddam was "intending" to create some WMDs, is it because some people told him? Or is it because he just need an excuse for telling people that he couldn't find Osama? What the fuck Mr. President? I'd rather let a monkey be president than this asshole, oh wait, there already is one and his name is DUBYA.
Britney Spears' new music video
Saw future Mrs. Federline's new music vid and I think I just had sex with her. Jesus Christ, Britney's first music video featured her just dancing while singing. Now, she just whispers her lyrics into a fucking mic while the music video is just all sex, sex, sex. Who wants to see Britney Federline into a bra and panties moving around on a white bed? Not me. This music video especially (titled My Prerogative), is just filled with Brit's tits and ass and that's it! Man, she keeps on saying that she wants the media off her back and all this shit but she keeps all the attention when she creates music videos like this.
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