Saw a Korean movie titled Oasis and man, was it depressing........and so fucking boring.
I can't believe that Roger Ebert gave three stars to this piece of shit. I missed 20 minutes of the movie because I went to sleep so I rewinded back where I left off and what do you know, I went back to sleep during those same fucking 20 minutes. The movie started to get good when the movie was almost over and man, a movie is supposedly has to get good within the first 15 minutes or its a fucking dead fish.
Contemplated whether I should watch Resident Evil: Apocalypse tonight and the answer is a BIG NO! Man, I haven't seen a movie like that being ripped in reviews since Gigli or recently (the what the fuck are they doing with the money) movie of the week Baby Geniuses 2.
Sure, the RE2 trailers did look cool but so did the Alien Vs. Predator ones and you know how that movie sucked rat tits and stunk to high heaven.
BTW, there's already blue pringles?
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