Sunday, February 27, 2005

I was shocked to see Martin Scorsese getting snubbed AGAIN for his directorial duties in the Aviator. But the thing is, I'm not angry he lost. He just didn't deserve it this year. The Aviator is a great film, among of the best films of 2004. But when you compare it to Goodfellas, Taxi Driver, and the ultimate Scorsese film, Raging Bull, the Aviator is not even a tenth of those films. Remember, they're awarding Best Director of 2004 not 1976, 1980, or 1990.

The Clint won the Oscar for best director for good reason, to direct a simple film without special effects, overacting, or grand cinematography.

It was intense seeing the Fockers present the Oscar for best picture and when Barbara Streisand said, "I'm again happy to give this to you Clint." I was shocked, I was flabbergasted, and above all I was happy. Aside from last year (when Return of the King won), the true best picture actually won the fucking best picture Oscar. Sideways was great, the Aviator was amazing, Ray was splendid, Finding Neverland was okay (why was this nominated again?), but Million Dollar Baby was the best of the bunch and it won.

Among the best moment in the Oscars was the line from Jamie Foxx: "I only speak to my grandma in my dreams. I can't wait to sleep tonight because we have a lot to talk about."

Hey Marty, there's still that Departed film but don't fuck it up.

Rock didn't do a bad job either.

And I still need to see Unforgiven.



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