Saturday, October 28, 2006

Saw III: Man, this movie was disappointing. I kinda liked the first one (I thought the ending was stupid, at best). I really liked the second one but this one really sucked. The use of numerous flashbacks cheapened the value of the first two and while on the subject of flashbacks, the most important character of the first Saw (Dr. Lawrence Gordon) was never mentioned at all (did he die after the first one? Did he get out?)

The acting was really atrocious with the exception of Tobin Bell who played his character with such silent rage and empathy that it's easy why he's considered one of the horror genre's best characters. Another negative about the movie is the death of a character who was in the first two installments. Her character is of such great importance to the entire series and she's killed in the first ten minutes (she should have been the main character this time). This so called "twist" screams desperation on every possible level.

And the ending, wow, it really sucked. Saw III may have one of the worst endings ever. Not only was the ending illogical but stupid as well. If I was that character, I would never do something like that. This is one of the worst movies of the year.


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