Friday, June 29, 2007

1408: Downloaded this little picture starring John Cusack and Samuel L. Jackson and it's been awhile since I've seen a great horror film. 1408 is fortunately one of the better horror pictures in the past decade that is more psychologically involving rather than physcially. John Cusack is great as Michael Enslin, a father who had lost his daughter to a disease. The film is mostly a one man performance and Cusack gives his all. I hope his performance gets at least a nomination come awards time because it is truly great. Sam Jackson, despite a great performance, is much more of an extended cameo rather than a supporting character. I highly recommend this film but if horror movies freak you out too much than it's better to watch Ratatouille.

On the subject of Ratatouille, I seriously recommend this picture from Pixar (fuck Disney, they're doing shit). I highly regard this as the best film of the year BY FAR and the best film by Pixar. I've never enjoyed myself at a film as much as I did with Ratatouille.

This brings me to my next topic: Stupid people

Chris Benoit: What an idiot. Murdering your wife and mentally ill son and then killing yourself. What a fuckhead. McMahon was right in calling you a monster.

Paris Hilton: Look at me. She's "traumatized" because she went to jail. Boo fucking hoo. It wasn't even GEN POP that she was in! She was in a fucking minimum security part of the jail where she stayed FUCKING ALONE! Anderson Cooper couldn't understand why Paris is so fucking popular. I don't understand how she's so fucking popular. She didn't do anything great in her fucking life. If she was like Princess Di then I would give a shit. Unfortunately, all that money and jail time can't even make a dumb bitch smart. God made her a better person, my fucking psoriatic ass.

Owen Gleibermann: For giving Ratatouille a lower grade than usual because it didn't contain any celebrity voices. Yes Mr. Gleibermann, Justin Timberlake would make a great addition to animated films!

Other stuff in the past week:
- Listening to the radio about how Amy Winehouse has a voice of a sultry black goddess and a face of a rat.
- Emo Fifi: A) Pregnant B) Boyfriend C) Hormones (I think it's hormones. So fuck you hormones! Felice is cool but the hormones are not. So a big fuck you to hormones!*)
- Listening to Linkin Park in pure 24-bit sound is awesome. What up Jorge!
- Jorge quitting R&R and his big FUCK YOU I WON'T DO WHAT YOU TELL ME to Ganesh. Seriously from the stuff my mom tells me, Ganesh has no soul. He seriously is Satan reincarnated.
- Pam's great food pictures from Japan. I love your delicious food pictures except for one. That pug fugly picture of that breakfast from that airline. It looked like dried barf.
- Me wanting to buy a turntable to listen to the new White Stripes album "Icky Thump" on frickin' vinyl.

*= i totally ripped this off the movie "Knocked Up"


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