My copy of House of Flying Daggers just shipped (booyah!) can't wait for the hotness of Zhang Ziyi. Hope it's here by Thursday afternoon at the fastest!
My genre group project has finally decided to pick a topic: the evolution of visual effects in action films by decade.
70s: Star Wars
80s: Blade Runner or The Terminator
90s: The Matrix
00s: The Lord of the Rings
We hope to get it finished already by next week (sweet!). Even though it's due one month from now.
I got so much shit (homework) to do it's insane. I'm going home tomorrow to do my laundry and some homework. I gotta get my assignments in order because procrastinating can be a bitch and I haven't done anything yet.
My scheduling has been off for a while.
My homework for now:
- Write 1.5 - 2 page screenplay featuring a protagonist and anatagonist.
- Find 12 pictures and write about them on 12 notecards.
- Freshman Seminar photography project
- Genre group project
- Freshman seminar 1st critical review
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