Been watching movies like crazy. My mom told me that the wooden table in the basement broke because of the weight of the books from the bookshelf. She told me that it literally was cracked in half. Shit man, I thought the table would hold more weight than that. Anyways, I saw Millions, the "family" film by Danny Boyle (Trainspotting, the Beach, 28 Days Later). I thought it was great but it does a sharp left turn in terms of storyline. It starts out very G-rated but then turns into a PG-13 rated film involving a fucked up guy who wants some money. The next film I watched was "Blood Rain." No, it's not the film "Bloodrayne" being directed by Uwe Boll (director of the critically panned "Alone in the Dark"). I thought the film was great, a mystery film set in old times in Korea when Catholicism was considered illegal. What completely surprised me was the violence. You don't see many films where you see getting a guy being shot with an arrow then his brains exploding, a guy's limbs literally being torn from his body in gruesome close-up shots, and other really violent shit. I found the woman who played the shaman absolutely beautiful though.
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