Sunday, October 02, 2005


The Quiet Family: A hilarious black Korean comedy starring the guy from JSA, the guy from Oldboy, the old lady from numerous Korean films, some old guy, and two cute actresses. It has some of the best comedic scenes I've seen all year. A

A History of Violence: Okay, I have been anticipating this film ever since I saw the trailer in April. There is no doubt in my mind that this is one of the best films of the year (not the best though, Batman Begins takes that place). Great performances from Viggo Mortensen, Maria Bello, Ed Harris, and an awesome performance from William Hurt. Yes, there is blood and it is BRUTAL.

There are some people comparing this film and saying that Crash is a better film. The problem is that Crash is a completely different film. Why the hell are they comparing this film to Crash? Crash was about racism in Los Angeles. This film is about the stuff that makes each person violent. Is violence really within us? Can it be passed down from generation to generation? That is what the film is about. A


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