Saturday, March 03, 2007

The Weather, Vinyl, Jesus Camp, and Some Other Shit

I really hate the weather over here in Lombard. It's either fucking cold or fucking snowing. I really, really hate the fucking snow. I hate it. Most of all, I hate shoveling it. Because of my perfectionist dad, even though the snow on the ground is only one inch we still have to shovel it. This morning my dad and I were about to leave to go to the train station and he said that we had to shovel it before it turned to ice. Of course, I swore in my mind and just did what he wanted to do. After bringing him to the train station it began to snow hard again. After getting in the house, I went back to sleep again thinking that I'd have to shovel it later. When I went to get the mail, all the fucking snow on the driveway had been melted by the weather. It's snowing again right now and I fucking hate it. It's already March and it's still fucking snowing. The fucking Evangelicals say that global warming is just something scientists just created. Well, fuck any Evangelical who says that because it is happening NOW. The icecaps are melting, hot is becoming cold, babies are fucking trees, it's global warming bitch!

This now blends nicely into my next subject, the documentary Jesus Camp. You see, it is a great fucking doc. Not only did me make me sad, it made me fucking furious. To see all these children missing out the best years of their life to some fucking lesbo who says that anyone who reads Harry Potter should be burned is just so fucking sad. I found one scene really hilarious with kids at a table talking about Harry Potter and how he's such a bad influence because he's a warlock. All of a sudden, one kid says that his mom doesn't let him watch Harry Potter but when he goes to his dad's he watches them. The kid even seems happy that he watches Harry Potter. The reaction on the other kid's faces was effing priceless. You knew that kid never saw the light of day again after that statement. One scene in particular really threw me for a loop because one kid named Levy was preaching and all the shit that came out of his mouth was actually the same sentence over and over only with different words. Another interesting scene is seeing Ted Haggard talking about how gay people are wrong, gay this and gay that, how gay is against God. The fucker turned out to be a homosexual who later said after his gay scandal that God removed all his homosexual tendencies. Uh, what? Once gay you're gay forever, bro.

On a lighter note, I downloaded the vinyl rip of the Red Hot Chili Pepper's Stadium Arcadium and it is fucking amazing. The sound is so effing clear without any clipping. It has recently been playing on my playlist for the past five days and I really really love the sound. Every album should be mastered by Steve Hoffman and Kevin Gray. I wished that the Bloc Party album was mastered like this. It really would have sounded amazing. And when I mean amazing, I mean AMAZING. Mozzie, once you get the money get your albums mastered by Hoffman and Gray, they're fucking fucking shit!

School has been pretty easy for me before. Every semester was pretty nice with great teachers but now, it's not that hard but it's not that easy either. You see, I'm afraid of failure, I'm scared of being the one with the worst project, worst assignment, or worst test score. And in the class of Sound Film Production, I think I may have the worst edit of the class. During mixing yesterday when I was listening to the other classmates' mixes I was floored. One classmate said that it took him five to six hours to record sounds for his edit. I wondered why it took so long but after listening to his mix, my jaw dropped. My mix had only 4 tracks, his had 16. At one point of my mix, there's only ambience (environmental noise like air) and no sound effects because I didn't record that much. I'm scared what the class thinks of my edit because it's so poor compared to theirs.

This brings me to my next note, will I be able to graduate in May of 2008? My advisor told me to just use the advising guide to choose classes. Looks like she was wrong because I'm missing so many required classes it's crazy. Everyone in my Sound Film Production has been taking other classes like Aesthetics of Motion Picture Soundtracks

This only makes me wonder one thing after Tito Luis asked me earlier when I was eating dinner.

Will I be able to return to the Philippines this Christmas?


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