Friday, August 18, 2006

I bought the new Simpsons box set and there was something I noticed. I think it was during season 8 that the Simpsons began the slow spiral into mediocrity (the beginning of the end, you can say). Little things like Homer repeating phrases, Lisa's brash superiority, and just other stuff that pisses me off about the Simpsons now. Yes, season 8 is remarkably hilarious but this is when the writers originality began to soften.

On another note, as I have said before I am waiting patiently for Darren Aronofsky's film, "The Fountain." Clint Mansell recently put up one track from the score titled "The Last Man" on his MySpace page and it is absolutely breathtaking. The first time I heard the track goosebumps went up my arms and my hairs suddenly stood up behind my neck. It is just the sound of a piano with a male singer's voice barely being heard. This is simplicity, at its finest.


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