300 is a very good film but it's not great. I was definitely entertained by it but there are two flaws in the film that deter it from the greatness that all fanboys say it has.

First, I really hated the soundtrack. To me (again, this is my opinion), they tried to make it sound too Gladiator-ish and in the end instead of feeling like something awesome just happened, it felt that the film ended on a unsatisfying note. The soundtrack should have been scored by Trent Reznor. In the theatrical trailer, his NIN instrumental track from the Fragile album "Just Like You Imagined" fused beautifully with the images of 300. He would have given the film a much different feel from other swords and sandals type films like Troy and Alexander.

Second, I really hated the final speech given by Dilios (David Wenham) to the Spartans. What could have ended brilliantly with the one spectacular silhouette shot of King Leonidas (Gerard Butler) with his arms raised ends in one of the stupidest speeches that goes on F-O-R-E-V-E-R.

Third, the sound can be horrible at times. Sometimes it sounds great but sometimes it sounds as if the actors were really in that soundstage that they shot in. However, I did like the low timbre they gave to Xerxes's voice because Rodrigo Santoro's voice isn't that powerful enough to impress anybody that he really is a God-king.

Despite these flaws, the film's visuals are fan-fucking-tastic. Your eyes will bleed at so many beautiful, gory, and violent images onscreen. The acting is quite good at times with Lena Headey as Gorgo as the standout of the cast. Don't expect this film to be the masterpiece that it is and you'll have a great time. Overall, it is extremely entertaining, gorgeously filmed, and decently acted piece of filmmaking.
It is a masterpiece.
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