Kill Bill: Volume 2
Directed by Quentin Tarantino (Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, and Reservoir Dogs)
Starring Uma Thurman, David Carradine, Darryl Hannah, and Michael Madsen with Michael Parks
Volume 1 was amazing, with remarkable set pieces and fight scenes. Well, Volume 2 only has 25% of Volume 1's action but 300% more story, more emotion, and more dialogue. Volume 2 is exponentially better than Volume 1. It makes Volume 1 deeper, more resonant, and in other words, a great film even greater.
I loved every minute of this film. Every minute shows that Tarantino's love for each character. All the actors are at their bests. Uma and her character of the Bride, Carradine's Bill, Hannah's Elle, and Madsen's Budd. Each of these characters are deserving of an Academy Award nomination. I loved Gordon Liu's Pai Mei (one of the coolest and funniest characters in film, EVER) and Michael Parks' Esteban Viahio (who is unrecognizable under all the make-up). The final moment of the film is touching and completely and utterly perfect for a film like this. At the screening I saw, many people hated this film because it was considered too slow for their feeble minds. In my opinion, the film went super-fast, too fast, for my brain. Man, I can't wait for the entire 237-minute version to come out in arthouse theatres because this film is among the best I've ever seen.
Grade: A+
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