Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Wow, haven't updated in quite a while. Downloading music like crazy today. Especially Radiohead, man they kick ass. Aside from my favorite bands of Incubus and Silverchair, Radiohead is different. Different with a capital D. I never knew that Kid A was such a beautiful song. So beautiful in fact that John Mayer did an awesome cover for it. I have copies of Paranoid Android and Hail to the Thief but I think that Kid A and Amnesiac are their most different works. Most of the songs of Kid A don't even have lyrics, which is quite weird for a band that had a song titled "Creep."

Saw an IMAX 3D film titled Nascar 3D today and one word: sucked. I never knew that documentaries can suck but they do and when they do, they suck pretty badly. I hate Nascar and the film didn't interest me one bit. I hope to watch Kill Bill Volume 2 this Friday when it opens. I've been reading a few reviews and all have been raves, not just raves, but some calling it one of the best films ever made. Damn, even Lord of the Rings didn't get that type of hype.


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