I already have mentioned the new Bloc Party album (titled "A Weekend in the City") a few days or a week ago probably and man it's still kicking my ass. Download the following for kickass-ed-ness: Waiting for the 7.18, The Prayer, Uniform, On, Kreuzberg, I Still Remember, and Sunday. I especially recommend Sunday, it's fucking great. I haven't listened to a new album this much since the last Silverchair album.
Speaking of Silverchair their new song "Straight Lines" popped up on myspace and it fucking rocks. This is a new Silverchair folks. No longer the glum Silverchair or the happy rock Silverchair (which I don't mind at all) but a mature, adult Silverchair. The layers of sounds they're putting on each subsequent song just boggles my mind.
Here's the Silverchair "Straight Lines" music video, I gotta mention that the dance Johns does in the video is pretty gay:
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