I'm not going to write about this film that much because I'm still thinking about it as I write this. But all I'm going to say is that it is the best film I have seen this year so far. Yes, it has beaten Ratatouille for the best film of 2007 in my mind.
This film is a masterpiece of storytelling, acting, cinematography, and most of all (in my opinion), sound design. No Country uses silence to its advantage and when you see the film you'll hear why.
Finally, the sound design must be mentioned because the film does not contain any music at all with only the exception being the beginning and end credits. Some scenes are so completely reliant on sound design to the point of the scene being so intense that it'll give you a heart attack. Never has the sound of an unscrewing of a light bulb sounded so terrifying.

Adapted from a novel by Cormac McCarthy, the film thrusts the three main characters in the film: Llewelyn Moss (Josh Brolin), Anton Chigurh (Javier Bardem), and Sheriff Ed Tom Bell (Tommy Lee Jones). Llewelyn Moss is a poor welder who while hunting finds $2 million dollars, Chigurh is the man to retrieve the money and kill Moss, and Bell is the cop to stop Chigurh.
As Moss, Brolin finally comes into his own and deserves a supporting nomination come January. His great supporting turn in American Gangster wasn't a fluke and this film just proves the point that he is able to hold against some true heavyweights. Jones fits perfectly as Sheriff Bell, a cop who has seen so much destruction and despair that he wants to give up on his job completely. As good as Brolin and Jones are, Javier Bardem gives a complete acting clinic as the truly psychopathic villain, Anton Chigurh. His character is a villain for the ages, and Bardem deserves the supporting Oscar in February. This performance truly demands it.

As you can read, I definitely recommend this film. I can't wait to watch it again.
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