Wency said that I have balls.
I do have balls.
I have two.
And they're technically they're called testicles.
Maybe he meant to say chutzpah....or bollocks...oh wait, that's the same as balls.
I saw Lars and the Real Girl and Michael Clayton two or three weeks ago. I paid for Lars for $5 and snuck into Michael Clayton.

I also saw the Dixie Chicks documentary, Shut Up and Sing. It's a great little doc on how a couple of words said by Natalie Maines Pasdar (yes, the Dixie Chicks lead singer is married to Nathan Petrelli) fucks up her band's entire career. The doc just proved that many retards vote for a retard. America this, America that, and fuck you Toby Keith. It's sad that many rednecks stopped watching the Dixie Chicks just because what she said was true. The truth hurts doesn't it you retard redneck dumbfucks?
And that is why we need a fucking Democrat in the White House. At least we were liked by most of the world when Clinton was president. Bush just fucked that shit up because he was just retarded.
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