Deep thoughts by Dan.....
On Mel Gibson and the Jewish people:
Mel Gibson said anti-Semitic remarks (WHEN HE WAS FUCKING DRUNK!) and apologized for it. So what do the Jewish people do? They say that his apology is "not good enough." What the fuck do they want? Do they want him to say that he never said those remarks only for it to smack him back on his ass? I have nothing against the Jewish people but man, when a person apologizes for his actions you must forgive him for it. His apology was sincere and genuine and all these people do is fucking piss on it. Shit, when people are drunk they say things they don't even mean! I think that's what happens when these people only think about money, money, money! They even said "now, he's showing his true colors." Um, yes, people show their true colors when drunk!!!!!! Yippeeee!!!!!! I'm going to drink now and say I hate all people!!!!!!
Why Lady in the Water was a flop:
Because of that fucking commercial where the voiceover by a girl had to whisper or the world might explode. God I hate that commercial.
Why Superman Returns was a flop:
Because no one wants to see a pussified Superman who stalks an ex-girlfriend and doesn't even fight once in the entire movie.
Why I hate that new Miami Vice movie:
I hate Colin Farrell. I got no problem with Jamie Foxx but there's something about Farrell that I hate. "This is breakfast, lunch, and fucking dinner, INDEED!"
Why Entourage is the motherfucking shit:
Jeremy Piven. "Miller/Gold! We sound like a motherfucking beer!"
TV shows that are currently the most awesome shit in my mind (aside from Entourage):
Mission Hill and The Oblongs. I don't need to fucking tell you about these shows. Fucking wikipedia that shit.