Spider-Man 2
Director: Sam Raimi
First off, I'd like to say I hated the first installment of the Spider-Man franchise. After it's glorious first half, things started to bog down to a tedious bore. I thought the sequel would suck based on the previews but how trailers can deceive the mind. Not only does the sequel crush it's predecessor, it transcends it. X2 was a step above X-Men, but Spider-Man 2 is light years beyond the first. Everything is better: visual effects, acting, writing, humour, the whole nine yards. Instead of a power ranger like villain, we get a villain with tons of humanity, Doctor Octopus (or aptly named "Doc Ock"). Tobey Maguire is brilliant as the nerdy, geeky, but heroic Peter Parker/Spider-Man and Kirsten Dunst is great as the lovely Mary Jane. James Franco also does a great job as the tormented son of the Green Goblin, Harry Osborn.
In comparison to the original, the action sequences here are more imaginative, pulse-pounding, heart racing, and oh so goddamn cool. There's also tons of humor in this film where the original lacked. It's like they took the ingenuity and style of the first half of the original and stretched it into 2-hours. I laughed, I cheered, and I roared during this film. Bring on part 3 (hope it doesn't suck though).
Bottom line: An outstanding piece of work by Raimi and the cast. Special effects are still obvious but not as bad as the original.
Grade: A++