Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy 22nd Birthday Felice!!!!!!

Movie reviews

King Kong: My expectations were too high for this movie. I didn't love it like Peter Jackson's previous films (Braindead, Meet the Feebles, the Lord of the Rings) but I did like it. I did feel that it was too overlong and needed to be trimmed by 30 minutes. The visual effects were awesome and the acting was decent (Jack Black) to phenomenal (Naomi Watts). The film didn't need a fucking Disney moment though (the scene where Ann and Kong play on the ice) or a fucking decade to kill Kong (didn't you think that it took too long to kill Kong?). A good film but it could have been great. B

Memoirs of a Geisha: Man oh man, was this movie boring at times! I absolute love Zhang Ziyi but her performance here was horrible. It was like a three year old speaking English. I never felt any connection to the characters and the performances were very only okay at best (though Gong Li was good). A film that was supposed to be directed by a Japanese director and spoken in Japanese. D

The Matador: This was a huge surprise for me. I knew very little about it but heard great things about its acting. This film contains Pierce Brosnan's greatest single performance ever (yes, take that BOND!). Some scenes were absolutely hilarious and Greg Kinnear and Hope Davis give admirable but Brosnan here is the man! After this film, you'll never remember him as James Bond anymore. B+

Munich: Good films stay with you for a while but are forgotten. Great films stay with you, follow you, speak to you, and haunt you. Munich is one of these films. When this film faded into credits I got out of my seat and waited in the hallway for my brother. As I waited, I stood there in silence trying to think about the film. I stood there thinking about the power that this film has over a viewer. It is like a fine wine where it takes a while for everything to seep into your mind. After a few sentimental and visual pictures (The Terminal, Catch Me If You Can, and War of the Worlds), this is the film the Spielberg of Jaws and Close Encounters of the Third Kind would direct. This is the Spielberg where he took amazing risks and it all paid off in the end. This is the first Spielberg picture to have a somber ending. It may not be my favorite film of 2005 but it is the best film of the year. A+

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Sorry I haven't been posting much lately. It's the laziness you see. I'm just plain lazy. As of right now, a lot has been going on through my mind. It's rather the problems of paying COD or Columbia College or whether my History of Cinema teacher got my paper. I currently chose five classes to take at COD and it's costing $1,310 for the semester. I don't know whether to pay for it in payments or just one full sum. Another problem is that I received a bill today from Columbia saying that I haven't paid my tuition yet and that it's late. You see, that's a huge fucking problem because I thought I took care of all my financial aid. I look up Oasis to see if I am missing any documents and there's absolutely none to be found. I check to see that the Pell Grant was fucking gone from my financial aid so I was fucked over big time. I recently upped the amount on the Loan I'm getting from the government.

The last thing is that I'm hoping that my History of Cinema teacher received my term paper. You see, I turned in the goddamn paper a month and a half ago and placed it in her mailbox. The bitch told me a week ago that she never received it because it may have been that the mailbox was overflowing and the secretary threw out what was overflowing it. Instead of going home last Thursday and waking up late on Friday, I had to wake my ass up early at 5:30 just to turn it a goddamn paper. I hope she fucking got it because if she did not I'm gonna be so pissed.

This brings me to my last thing. Why the hell didn't I just take all my general education classes at COD? Man, I'm so fucking stupid. I could have taken all my gen ed's for a year and a half and pay only about $4000. But the thing is, I'm dumb as anyone could be. Columbia convinced me that I could take my general education classes with my major. So instead of taking all my general education courses in one fell swoop, I was thinking about the design of the heart in one class while talking about Kung Fu Hustle in the other class. I spoke with my advisor and he tells many of his students that taking general education courses somewhere is much cheaper but his students fail to realize this because their parents are the ones paying the tuition. What I also failed to realize is that most of my classmates have mommies and daddies rich enough to pay for their tuition and residence. I'm not saying that my family is poor but my dad has a huge spending problem and his salary is not enough to pay debts along with the tuition for the schools my brother and I are going to.

On January 1st, I'm already planning to fill out my FAFSA to maximize the financial aid I can get. This year, I filled it out in August and believing that my aunt would be my sponsor that I would get a shitload of aid from the government. The problem is that it doesn't work that way and now I'm being fucked in the ass by Columbia. Man, I don't know why that school costs so fucking much. I'm sorry for going on a rant here but I'm just so disappointed in myself. I wish I could be smarter with my decisions instead of procrastinating like a motherfucker.

On the idea of procrastination, man, I delayed doing my work for so long that I had to wake up early last week just to do it. I had two presentations, finish a final exam, and study for a final. I finished the two presentations hours before they were due. I was able to get A's on both of them. I finished my Geology final exam on Thursday evening. The problem is that I didn't study for my History of Cinema final so I fucked up on that brilliantly. I'm hoping to get good grades this semester. I keep on praying that I get all A's but that doesn't seem realistic. If I can get two A's and two B's, I'd be happy.

Monday, December 12, 2005

The last week of school.....and I haven't done shit.

I have to do:
- project for Urban Geography
- project for Geology
- Journal for Geology
- Final exam questions for Geology
- finish 2 more assignments for Geology
- Do questions from Speech
- prepare for debate in Speech
- study for stupid History of Cinema exam

Damn. I only realized now that I have a lot to do in 3 days. All I have to do is remain calm.

I have been reading about the motion picture awards season and it looks like Brokeback Mountain is winning it all. It has already won the Los Angeles and Boston Film Critics Best Picture and Best Director awards. There's something that struck me about Brokeback Mountain that Anne Hathaway said. She mentioned that it will not make that much money in theatres but on DVD it will explode. "Those people who really want to see it but are afraid to because of their peers will want to buy it on DVD." I completely agree with this statement not because Anne Hathaway is hot but because it's true. There's always that guy who will want to see it but because that's person's friends will say "that's a fag movie dude" or "only gay people will see that". It's the peer pressure, folks.

I, on the other hand, want to see it. Despite the story being about two men having a relationship, it a classic love story. Replace the one of the characters with a woman and there's no problem with it. I'll be going to the theatre not because I'm a fag or gay (which, I'm not) but because according to many people and film critics it is truly a great film.

On another note, have you seen crazy Tom's new teaser trailer for Mission: Impossible III? Sure, he may be trapped in the closet with R. Kelly and John Travolta but this teaser is well edited. It sure looks to be action packed. You can see it right here.

Friday, December 02, 2005

The last "Lost" until 2006.



If you haven't seen "Lost" yet.

Watch it.


Jesus Christ, I haven't updated this fucker in almost a month.

A lot of shit has been happening in me life. It's like the past month has been a blur. All I remember is the instant classic South Park episode titled "Trapped in the Closet" starring Tom Cruise, John Travolta, R. Kelly, and Xenu, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire which to me was actually pretty goddamn good (I give it an A-). OH yeah, and Guitar Hero. I found the guitar to be pretty underwhelming but it's also pretty hard. I also remember watching the excellent Punch-Drunk Love with Adam Sandler which was hilarious and at times sad. I remember getting an A from my hot History for Cinema/bitch teacher. I actually couldn't believe that I got an A. Maybe she isn't so bad after all. I think the best thing was seeing my Speech teacher's dog (which was a fricking CHOW CHOW!). It was so cute and when my teacher finished her coffee, Momo (the dog's name) immediately took the empty coffee container and threw it in the garbage. The dog was so obedient, it didn't even bark at all but it did pant loudly. The dog just laid down in the corner until the class ended.

I've been also listening to the English band Bloc Party almost nonstop. Their debut album "Silent Alarm" is just simply amazing. I can't get enough of it.