School is over for me for the Spring. But after two weeks, I got to go to class for the summer.
"I lent you my body but you lent me your dream." - Jerome
I just watched Gattaca and man, my brother was right. Gattaca was GREAT. You know that feeling when you've just seen a great film? Well, after Gattaca I had that feeling. The music, the images, the dialogue, everything was pitch perfect. I have to give some credit to Michael Nyman who did the score for the film. His work was truly awe-inspiring for Gattaca after the past work that includes the magnificent score for the Piano. I recommend Gattaca to anyone out there who needs to watch a film with substance. It is a film that makes you think.
At last, Lost is beginning to give out some answers to the whole new hatch thing after last week's awesome episode. One of the creators, J.J. Abrams, says that the season finale is "the greatest season finale ever shot." I hope he doesn't have to eat his words come two weeks.
As for 24, there's a new motherfucker to hate and maim aside from the President and it's Miles. Man, I'd like to kill that fucker. Sure, he had that slithery type voice all season but man when he was speaking to the President I wanted to pop a bullet in his fucking head.
Prison Break is also getting to its season finale (Monday is the finale) and man it has been great so far. All these twists and turns, I hope the finale is amazing to say the least.
By the way, the judges' reaction to Daughtry being voted off on Idol was effing priceless. I absolutely love Katharine (she's hot) but I agreed that she was the worst performer on Tuesday.